1. Lesson One of the Book of Daniel, Introduction to the Book of Daniel

The Gospel of John, The Period of Conference, Conference With the Disciples, Part LV, John 13:31-16:33 Summary - Lesson 163


The discourse of Jesus Christ to his disciples begins with the departure of Judas in chapter 13. 


We ended our study of this discourse last week as we closed chapter 16. 


But I want to take this lesson to review and look at this discourse as a whole to see how broad the instruction of Christ was to his disciples.


The departure of Judas allowed Jesus Christ to open his mind to the remaining faithful disciples. 


The departure of Judas gave to Christ an audience composed totally of his own. 


He told them of his soon departure using the endearing term, Little children. 


He told them to love one another and to love one another after the pattern of love that he established with them.


He told them that this would be an identifying mark of his disciples.  


By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples.


For love is the only true badge given to reveal Christian discipleship to men!


He told them he was going away and that they could not go with him then but that they would follow him afterwards. 


They had a mission to perform on behalf of Christ. 


He comforted them with the instruction, don't permit your heart to be agitated, don't allow yourself to yield yourself to trouble. 


He pointed them to trust in God. 


He promised them houses in his Father's house. 


He was also on a mission while they were left to do his will. 


He told them that he was going to prepare a place for them.


At the proper time he personally would come for them so that where he is they would be also. 


He told them the way because Thomas said he did not know the way. 


Jesus proclaimed to his own that he was the way.


He declared that he was the truth and that he was the life.


He said that he was the exclusive way. 


That man could not come to the Father except by him.


To Phillip's question to show them the Father, Jesus instructed that he that had seen him had seen the Father.


Jesus Christ and the Father are one. 


Jesus Christ perfectly revealed the Father.


He told them that if they could not believe his words then believe him because of the works that they saw. 


Take a step of faith disciples!