1. Lesson One of the Book of Daniel, Introduction to the Book of Daniel

The Gospel of John, The Period of Conference, Transition,  Christ Washes His Disciple's Feet, Part VIII, John 13:13-15 - Lesson 116


The washing of the disciples feet teaches how fellowship is maintained with the Lord Jesus Christ.


The feet represent the child of God walking in this world system and being affected and influenced by it. 


The dirt on the feet is the world influencing God's child as he conducts his daily affairs. 


God's child daily finds himself loving the world, loving the things of the world, exercising the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. 


These things as they daily influence the child of God separate God's child from fellowship with God.


Something must be done if fellowship is not to be broken. 


That which daily affects and influences the child of God must be removed by Jesus Christ who is the word of God. 


In other words the lesson that Jesus Christ teaches us is that the only defense his children have against the corrupting influence of this world is the applied water of the word of God on a daily basis. 


Fellowship with Christ requires a submission of oneself on a daily basis to the word of God. 


In the washing of his disciples feet please note that Jesus Christ concentrates on the washing away of the dirt. 


He does not concentrate on the dirt or how much dirt is there. 


He does not caution his disciples about how much dirt is on their feet. 


He simply expects them to submit their dirty feet to him. 


He did not criticize Peter because of how dirty his feet were. 


He told him that he would have no part with him if he did not let him wash his feet.


This is an important principle to remember. 


Jesus Christ is capable of washing all feet regardless of how dirty they are. 


But he expects us to confess our sins (regardless of how dirty they are) and he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.